Friday 2 July 2021

Stuck At Home

Well, I can officially tell you, from the bottom of my heart, that I am sick of COVID19 and all the problems that it has caused. I have been working at home since last March. Can you believe that? It has literally been over a year since I’ve worked in my office. Honestly, I was a huge fan of working at home when everything first started. It was a nice change in routine and meant I didn’t have to wake up early and take my long commute to work everyday, just to have to see some of the people that I didn’t like very much. However, now I can tell you that I miss all my coworkers and am so sick of being at home. 

I’ve come to realize that my commute to work was a nice buffering period between being at work and being at home. I would almost compare it to a permeable membrane of sorts, one that would allow my mind to adjust to the new environment that I would be headed into. Nowadays, however, I spend my time in the same exact chair at the same exact time every morning, a mere hour after I’ve woken up for the day. Again, it was nice to not have to wake up early every morning, but now I am feeling like the days are shorter and I don’t have enough time to relax in the morning.

Being at home has been a lot more taxing in other ways than just work. Obviously, I have been at home even when I’m not working too. That means that my office is now my home and my home is now my office. There is basically no separation between the two, and that can get really depressing. In addition to this, I have become so tired of online shopping. I miss being able to go out to different places and buy stuff alongside friends or families. Now everything seems so pointless. Just a couple clicks away from more shipping boxes being sent to my door - hurray…

I don’t even know how many Amazon orders I have placed since starting quarantine, but it has been a lot. Honestly, I think the amount would shock you. I have gone so far as to create a mountain of shipping boxes in my garage that are just waiting to be recycled (they probably never will be, because I am a terrible person). I guess my takeaway from this pandemic is that the grass is always greener on the other side. Or maybe, my takeaway is that a change is good from time to time, and now I’m ready for the change back to being in the office rather than at home. 

Maybe I can get real philosophical and say that grass is always greener on the other side, but only until you’ve grazed too long or laid too long, and the grass becomes stubby, brown, and matted. I guess it’s better to assume that nothing will make you happy forever, and that moderation is more important than indulgence. 

All in all, I hope that we can return back to normal life soon, because I am getting so sick of being at home and wearing a mask and all that. I will definitely get the vaccination as soon as I can.

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