
Forrester Research and McKinsey & Company, a famous authority consisting of marketing researchers, has put forward the recent research results on the nature of consumerism. This survey discusses how consumers are shifting from the so-called consumer purchasing funnel.

Purchasing tendency of customers – Previous

We first have to understand the original marketing theory to get a better understanding of the shift. According to this theory, consumers get information from advertisements to learn about branded products. This learning helps them gain familiarity, which contributes to the final purchase from a limited choice of products.

Consumers usually look at limited choices and purchase one product. It is a usual practice in any retail environment. The consumer purchase funnel narrows down throughout the purchasing process. Customers develop loyalty towards brands that stand true to their promise.

Changing customer loyalty

The recent survey, however, indicates a drastic change in the traditional purchasing pattern. Customer loyalty no longer depends on the reasons mentioned above. The role of retail packaging and retail packaging design has become more prominent.

Brands can no longer depend entirely on traditional marketing methods to create a solid web presence. Interactive media sites now contribute to creating brand loyalty and help spread the word about products.

That means customers no longer have narrow options. The development and introduction of more choices have meant a reduced customer loyalty. That means the customer funnel may be largely obsolete now.

Role of retail packaging

Due to diminishing customer loyalty, any brand has now a chance to stand out. It has been detrimental too for brands that do not use the knowledge.

Smart retail packaging suppliers benefit from this vital information to address several issues they face in the retail industry.

Retail packaging has become more necessary in recent times because customers look at it to scrutinize products. They now take more time analyzing products on shelves. That makes it necessary for brands to monitor the process of how people analyze their products on shelves. This analysis can help them make necessary corrections in the retail packaging.

Retail packaging suppliers also know well that product packaging has a bigger job than merely protecting the product. Packaging materials have to add to the branding of a product.

The purpose of customized retail packaging is to speak about the brand and communicate its value to the customers. That will help leverage the key company assets to the customers.

An unimpressive packaging will result in reduced sales because customers will move to a product packed in better-looking packaging supplies.

That is the reason packaging suppliers do not hesitate to invest a large amount of money in retail packaging to get customers’ attention.

The power of retail packaging

The average time a customer takes to scan a retail shelf is 20 seconds or even less. That results in each product on that shelf getting a fraction of that short time. It means if a brand has to get their products sold more, they have to make those few seconds count. That’s where retail packaging comes in.

A good retail packaging design can control purchasing behavior of customers. This trend is entirely different from the market trend that was dominated by a lot of advertisements.

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